Published April 19, 2020
Author: Francesca Romana Bozza Aureli, special to

Do you feel like it’s harder these days to get out of bed? Do you feel like you’re stuck doing nothing? Or maybe you feel like there really is not much you can do at home all day, so you don’t even try to get up. Yeah, we understand you. In fact, many people do–that’s why we have found various ways to help keep busy during this quarantine.
1. Clean and Organize Your Space
The benefit of cleaning and organizing is not only about keeping busy but also bringing positive energy. Having a neat area around you brings a sense of relaxation as you’re not surrounded by clutter and noise. Maybe before you were so busy and could not find the time, but now, you can. Organize those storage closets you have just thrown things in, those cabinets that you forget even existed, that laundry room with stacked up disinfecting bottles that are probably empty. Point is, you will definitely find a spot that needs to be organized and/or cleaned. Studies have shown that people with clean homes were more active and healthier than those who had disorganized home. During this stressful pandemic, it is just as important to keep a positive energy around you as it is to keep busy.
2. Take a Course

We are fortunate to have something these days called the internet. Just in case you didn’t know, it’s this network packed with information on just about anything. Literally. So, take advantage of this and try learning something new or even improve your knowledge on something you already know. There are a wide variety of websites that offer courses on just about anything. Yes, even free ones. Learn how to cook, how to play an instrument, a new language. Learn whatever you want. All you’ve got to do is search!
3. Donate or Sell Your Stuff
Go through your closets and find those shirts you haven’t worn since you were in college or those pants that don’t even fit anymore. It doesn’t necessarily have to be clothes. You can even sell or donate electronics or furniture that you really don’t want or need anymore. There are multiple applications that you can download and post your stuff to sell or even give away for free. Or, just see which of your preferred nonprofit organizations are open to donate your things.

4. Find Your Hobby
Pick yourself back up by doing your favorite hobbies or skills. Is it drawing? Cooking? Working out? If you forgot, test it out. If it’s fitness but you don’t have any gym equipment, that’s perfectly fine. You are not the only one. The internet, yeah that genius network thing, has people, like you, teaching others how they can workout at home without needing any of that expensive gym gear. Perhaps your hobby is writing. Find a notebook in your house and make it your journal or make an online blog. Once you find your hobby, try incorporating it daily or whenever makes you feel at best.
5. Just Relax & Chill
It’s okay to just take some time to relax and clear your mind. Maybe you have a favorite show that you always wanted to catch up on. Maybe you have been wanting to read a motivational book. Or perhaps, you want to just spend some time with your family at home. Whatever is relaxing to your mind, do it. You also don’t want to force yourself every day for the next, who knows how long, to constantly be doing something. It could be that what you need is to just take some time off because you have been a workaholic for the past ten years and don’t know what a break is. Finally, you can take it without feeling so guilty.
Francesca is a trilingual journalism graduate. She knows how to speak and write English, Spanish and Italian. She is currently pursuing a law degree. Francesca has a strong background in writing. She has written for newspapers and currently is working as a freelance writer, motivated most by her customers and making them satisfied. Reach Francesca.