Published April 20, 2020
Author: Adenekan Al Amin Adedeji, special to

It’s an undisputed fact that social distancing and self-isolation are difficult, because we’re social animals and we live through interaction. But as we face COVID-19, the best thing we can do for ourselves and others is to stay indoors. If we’re imaginative, despite the isolation, we can overcome monotony and loneliness.
Staying indoors and following the same routine has been difficult for most people because they aren’t used to the lifestyle. Here’s the good news, we’re highlighting some helpful tips to overcome boredom and lift your spirit while in lockdown.
The best way to get the mind off the negative side of the self-isolation or quarantine is to accept the fact that you cannot change things. See the moments as part of life and always see the positive aspect of staying at home.
Reflect on what’s going on
Before the lockdown most people had their dictated routines. Wake up, get the kids ready for school, go to work, attend to emails, return home, watch TV, sleep. These are routines we can’t now follow, but we can create new routines for ourselves.
Try starting your day with journaling or a free writing period. Spend time daily organizing your thoughts. In the evening or just after you get up, take time to set some goals. These can be long- or short-term. Think about making a daily agenda.
It’s helpful to include new things in your goal setting. Obviously, you’re limited in some ways by the isolation, but you can still knock things off the bucket list. In fact, the extra time may make it even easier. Take some online classes or start to master a new skill or hobby.
When you can, sit back and reflect on how you’re spending your time. Go back to your diary and write down what you’ve been doing.
Deepen your relationships
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, some of us might have been busy–maybe too busy–with personal and career goals, projects, events, etc. This time of self-isolation gives us more than enough time to think of our loved ones and deepen our connections with them. We can do this virtually, over the phone, through letters, or social media.

Reach out to family and community members
If you’re at home complaining of boredom, have you ever thought about older folks? Some of your family and friends may be lonely and even more bored than you are. Reach out to your extended family and friends! Teach your grandmother how to use apps like Skype, House Party or Whatsapp to connect with their friends, kids and grandkids.
Additionally, reaching out to people makes you happy because you feel you have done your moral duty.
Consider virtual lunches, dinners, and coffee
Instead of inviting your friends over for dinner, lunch or coffee, you can eat and drink in your home while chatting with them virtually. It can be fun and interesting, and you’re also helping yourself by avoiding the risk of getting infected.

Sing and dance
If there are perfect options to keep the spirit up, dancing and singing will help. You can come out and sing or dance on your balcony. Remote dancing can also be used to uplift the spirit. Try the app House Party to have virtual parties.
Exercise (stroll, ride a bike or jog)
If you do have somewhere you need to go, think about biking or walking. And if it’s possible to do, take a jog in your free time. All these activities will help you stay active and fit.
In conclusion
The world is practicing self-isolation and social distancing because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone has been urged to work and study from home. Staying at home can sometimes be very boring, but following the tips explained in this article should make your stay at home more memorable.